Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adam Lambert

Whenever I heard Adam Lambert’s name mentioned or see him on TV, I often wondered why people have such a fascination with him. He is a very good singer and performer; but there have been many other singers that equal or exceed his abilities. (Not saying that to take anything away from Adam, he deserves his recognition.) Today, I saw him on Oprah and actually stopped to watch a few minutes of his performance. It was then that I realized what the fascination that has everyone attractive to this talented young man. It’s only partly because Adam defies the norm; you don’t see him as a man nor woman. When you look at Adam, you actually see Adam, the charismatic person. He has Halle Berry charisma; we should all be so lucky.


Pat Robertson has not been kind or truly sympathetic toward the plight of the Haitians. Instead, in their sever time of need he stands to throw the first stone, accusations. Robertson serves as an excellent example of why more and more people are turning away from the church. They are not turning away from their beliefs or religion; they are simply turning away from the church. When the leaders of churches continue to react as Pat Robertson, it makes people reevaluate the need to attend church services. They can watch services at home, read their bibles at home, and have bible study among friends. Anyone can learn to read and quote verses from the bible. If you don’t believe this is true, get into a religious debate with an intoxicated person and see how much he or she knows about the bible. Your true nature shows itself when those around you are in need. A true Christian will be there in good times and bad. It makes you wonder, who does Pat Robertson truly worship? And as his followers, who do you worship? I would love to think that Pat Robertson’s comments were strictly racist. If that was so, his callous attitude would only extend to people of color. But for the Pat Robertson of the world, if he could not attack a person of color, he would simply turn on someone else because he speaks from his true nature.

Moving Forward to Go Backwards

A Texas school board has agreed to adjust its grooming policy for a 4-year-old boy whose long, flowing hair has him in school-suspension. Preschooler, Taylor Pugh, has been under in-school suspension since November at Floyd Elementary School in Balch Springs near Dallas. The Mesquite school board decided Taylor could wear his hair braided but keep it no longer than his ears.
I, like Taylor’s Mom, placed my child in private school for many years. The school he attended at the eighth grade level had a similar policy. My son had his hair cut short to his head with the exception of a long rat tail that went down his back. The policy did not allow him to place the tail down the back of his shirt or to keep it braided. The only solution the school would accept was to cut the tail. We complied because my son wanted to attend the school. Within a few months, we realized the school was not a good fit for my son. I say that to say this: Sometimes conformity is not the answer.
Restricting the color of the hair to natural colors, even when using dye, is one thing; restricting the length you are entitled to grow your hair is another. The children in public and private schools are not in a military camp and should be allowed to wear their hair as pleased as long as the hair is neat, clean and does not block the view of other students. Students with high hairdos should be given the option to sit in the rear of the classroom or to change the hair style. The reason for this is that every child should be given the same opportunity to receive an equal education. This includes vision of the teacher, fellow students and the black/whiteboard. When to cut the hair should remain the option between parent and child. Requiring kids to cut their hair to attend school is a throwback from the early years of integration when Black students were required to cut their Afros.
The length or style of the hair does not determine if the child is a good person, intelligent, or has the potential to be a good citizen. Look at the Ted Bundys in the world. They are your clean cut, average to exceptional guys that by appearances anyone would trust. Having their hair cut short during their early years did not may them respectful of their fellow man, kind, or trustworthy. Instead, it helped to hide their true nature. For this reason, schools need to stop being superficial in their acceptance policy as a means of keeping specific people out.

Two Women Diseases that Affect men

Men should be aware of the following two diseases and research on the internet to learn more about each. The first is breast cancer. For this, men should do the breast exam just as the women do. Hold the hand up in a right angle (to your side as if signaling a turn when on the bicycle). Start under the armpit and work your way down to and around your nipple to check for small lumps. (Your can find video’s online to demonstrate how to do this; it is the same method used for women.) If a lump is detected, you should see your doctor. If you detect the lump because of pain, you have had it for quite some time and may be in a serious stage. The signs to look for are lumps, discharge from the nipples and/or an inverted nipple. For those of you who do not understand what an inverted nipple is, it is when the nipple begins to look as if it is being sucked inward.
The second disease is Lupus. Don’t assume that since you didn’t have it as a child you will not develop it. If you are born with the gene, it can be triggered at in time in life. Common symptoms of Lupus include hair loss, fatigue, fever, headaches, anemia, swelling in the legs hands and feet, a butterfly shaped rash across the face, painful and/or swollen joints, ulcers in the nose or mouth, etc. A good source of information on the subject can be found at
Keep fit, stay healthy and when time allows, watch the Dr. Oz show. His advice is good for both men and women. If you can’t watch him on TV, you can follow along online at

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Changing of the Guard

We elect our politicians according to our beliefs and political affiliations. Occasionally, we vote across party lines to elect politicians when we feel the politicians will benefit our cause beyond expectations of our party affiliate candidate. If politicians are voted in by the citizens according to the desired statements above, should not politicians be forced to resign if the politicians decide they want to change their affiliation? For example, if a politician is elected as a democrat and decides to change party affiliation, the politician should resign and allow the people to select a candidate they can trust to fulfill the desires for which that politician was elected. Democrats and Republicans vote across party lines on a regular basis; what is the purpose of changing party affiliations unless you joined the party simply to become an elected official. If I went to work and told my boss that I was changing my job description to suit my needs, I would be out of a job within two weeks. Two weeks if the contract requires two week notice, the end of the day if it doesn’t. Why should politicians be any different? If a Republican decides to become a Democrat, the politician should do it at the end of his elected term and run for office as a Democrat, or vice versa. I, for one, am sick of watching politician flip flop between parties.