Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Pat Robertson has not been kind or truly sympathetic toward the plight of the Haitians. Instead, in their sever time of need he stands to throw the first stone, accusations. Robertson serves as an excellent example of why more and more people are turning away from the church. They are not turning away from their beliefs or religion; they are simply turning away from the church. When the leaders of churches continue to react as Pat Robertson, it makes people reevaluate the need to attend church services. They can watch services at home, read their bibles at home, and have bible study among friends. Anyone can learn to read and quote verses from the bible. If you don’t believe this is true, get into a religious debate with an intoxicated person and see how much he or she knows about the bible. Your true nature shows itself when those around you are in need. A true Christian will be there in good times and bad. It makes you wonder, who does Pat Robertson truly worship? And as his followers, who do you worship? I would love to think that Pat Robertson’s comments were strictly racist. If that was so, his callous attitude would only extend to people of color. But for the Pat Robertson of the world, if he could not attack a person of color, he would simply turn on someone else because he speaks from his true nature.

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